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Image by Pablo Heimplatz
Writer's pictureDarren Brittain

The Purpose of Mediumship

What is the true purpose of mediumship? Why do we do it, and why do we seek it out? What can it tell us about our true selves?


The answer to these questions are both simple and complex. The answers are dependent upon the practitioner, the sitters needs, as well as the attitude and willingness each party involved has to their own spiritual evolution.


Traditionally, the primary focus of mediumship has always been to offer proof there is life after physical death. The evidence conveyed by the medium is the suggested proof of the claim, and once delivered the sitter is reassured, soothed, and the communication is deemed to be successful. It’s suggested that the sitter with this newfound awareness knows they will see their loved one again and a degree of healing takes place within them because of this. But then what? After proof of an afterlife is affirmed, surely then the purpose of mediumship is different.


For the medium, who is delivering evidence of the Other World daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to many, they have no need to receive continued proof and so then the purpose of mediumship changes. To them, mediumship is the means by which the Soul they are expresses Its presence in the world and serves as a signpost to others that there is something ‘more’ to us, and to life. The ‘more’ is that we are not JUST physical beings, we are also a spiritual being, one who exists beyond physical form. A being whose consciousness is not limited by form, and One which has access to a greater wisdom, truth, and purpose. In knowing this, expressing mediumship is then about ‘spiritualising’ all who experience it by signposting the observers to look beyond form, and to question, “If this is true and I know that death is not the end, what is the true nature of life?” Hopefully then the curious nature of the observer will seek to understand themselves more and lean into learning about their own spiritual identity.


In truth, this ‘evolution’ is dependent on the medium (and the observer) having a willing mind, an open heart, and a desire to know themselves as more than the identity they have. Without the understanding of our spiritual identity the meaning of our lives is so often derived by our ego. Living from this place brings anxiety as our sense of value and worth is defined by the needs and wants of our ego being met. The behaviours we often display are usually motivated by the egos desire to be ‘more’, a perpetual desire to prove ourselves as ‘enough’, whilst also keeping us separate from each other. Some of these behaviours are actually a defence against feeling in some way inferior to those around us and in living from this place we are constantly at the mercy of the world. Our sense of meaning and purpose waxes and wanes in response to the internal and external worlds, and the ego pushes us to be more and give more to eschew the discomfort of perceived failure.


When we identify with the Soul that we are, beyond the identity we have, we are invited to transcend the mind and its associated patterns and behaviours. The Soul encourages us to see the illusion (and dysfunction) of the identity and helps us to move beyond the egos need to employ them. This is why whenever we call in God, Soul, Love, or the Universe into our lives, our life changes – that ‘force’ shines a light of awareness on our lives and reveals more about who we are and the role the ego has played thus far. This loving force encourages change in our lives, even though this change may be painful. It asks that certain relationships end and seeks out connection to people and places that ‘match’ Itself. It encourages us to live beyond need for the behaviours of the ego and the sense of meaning we experience comes from the experience of interconnectedness. The Soul also empowers others around you to feel the presence of the Soul they are too.


Of course there are many recipients of mediumship, and mediums who don't subscribe to this way of being. They continue to give and receive communications from loved ones in the Spirit World never considering there is a higher purpose to it.


A ‘medium’ is defined as “something that is in between” and is usually reserved for someone who talks to the so called ‘dead’. The truth is, as mediums we don’t JUST offer evidence of life after death, we are people who consciously exist in both ‘worlds’ along with everyone else. It is my experience that our higher work as mediums is also to help people to identify the Ego they have and the Soul that they are, so we all evolve and as we do, then so does the world around us too.

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10 de ago.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

First pic reminds me of a

Present i gave an ex. Your website is really informative karen k :)


13 de jul.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Great article Darren. Thank-you.


08 de jul.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Thank you, so perfectly worded, agree 100%, us giving evidence of the continuity of life is the first step (hopefully) for others to find their true self and higher purpose, and so would raise the vibration of humanity. 🙏💕🌈🦋


07 de jul.

Thank you Darren for these insights. I always appreciate and love you and your wisdom.


07 de jul.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Great article, thanks Darren. x

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